Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I got Coleman this place mat that you can color on with these special crayons and then you just wipe it off. It is of a firetruck and it lists all the different parts of the truck. So Ryan and Coleman colored the other night...

Here Coleman is pointing out the parts of the truck to Ryan. 

Here they both discovered that this is an inaccurate placemat. Apparently they didn't give a piece of equipment the right name. Look at the horror on Coleman's face. 

These next few pictures crack me up. Coleman decides to taste a crayon. Don't worry, these are Non Toxic.
Let me see that for a second Pops...

Hmm... looks yummy...

Maybe just a quick taste...

Here Dad, wanna try the red one?

 Coleman, Avery and I took a trip to Ryan's new station to see him and I forgot to take pictures of Coleman and Ryan but I did get some cute ones of my front seat passenger.

 I made Mom a hummingbird cake for her birthday. I was making it with Crawford and Caroline and let
them each take turns dumping ingredients into the cake batter. When we got to the pecans Crawford took them and asked "Are these for the beak? You know, the thing that goes on the end of the hummingbird's nose!" He is so funny!

Just some pictures from the front yard.

These hydrangea bushes are from the wedding and one around the corner are from Coleman's baby shower. They are just now starting to bloom good.

My massive ORGANIC garden. Ryan gave me a hard time about trying to grow a completely organic garden, he said it would never grow. Before I planted it I mixed in some dirt from cleaning out the chicken coop and, there you have it ladies and gentleman. My huge garden! Hey before you judge, that is what organic fertilizer is when you go to buy it in the store. The only difference is, mine is free they charge around $15 for a tiny little bag in the store!

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